Fourth Annual Rosalie Day Screen Shots

On Sunday 2nd April 2023 the Fourth Annual Rosalie Day, organised by the Second Breakfast kinship, took place on the Crickhollow server, in LOTRO. Miss Rosalie Rumble was one of the founding members of Second Breakfast, and later became its leader. She was a pillar of the Crickhollow music community and she created the Shirefest music festival and the Crickhollow Music website. Miss Rosalie passed away in 2019, but before she did Second Breakfast threw a farewell party for her. On the anniversary of that farewell party they now hold a Rosalie Day party. People from many servers in LOTRO gathered at the Bird and Baby Inn, to remember her. Here are some screen shots from the fourth annual Rosalie Day party.

Skorgrim’s Bloom

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